Apple's Advertisements
I've always said that if a company can be recognized only by its logo, it means that they have been very successful not only in sale but their marketing-advertising department has been as well. Apple is one of those companies that are recognized just by their logo. Apple advertisements are simple but just like their product they catch your eyes by how delicate and sophisticated they appear to be.
Apple uses slogans within their advertisement a lot, and they seem to stay in your head or you might find your saying them when a commercials comes on. The " Think Different " Slogan was a big one between 1997-2002. This slogan was created in their New York Office and it was used in different commercials and in many printed advertisements until Apple came up with the next Slogan, " SWITCH " which was about making the switch from Windows platform to Mac.
For the iPod and iTunes apple uses silhouettes on their TV commercials and on their printed ones of people listening to the product and dancing, you don't even have to see their logo to know that is an Apple advertisement. On their printed advertisement apple tends to get a big spot or several spots in one location so their advertisement is all you see.
Apple has encountered criticism about their advertisements and sometimes selling a product advertising one thing and they don't perform what they offer. They had a incident in Australia with their iPads that ended up in lawsuit since they kept advertising the 4G and they were not compatible with any carrier in the country at the time.
Apple spends millions in marketing but at the end of the day we can see why they spend so much money, their advertisement are " very elegant and precised "
Apple spends millions in marketing but at the end of the day we can see why they spend so much money, their advertisement are " very elegant and precised "
The Apple stores doesn't have a lot of " Sales " their prices are what they are from the beginning. There are a few offers that come within buying a product for example they have a " Back to School " Promotion that happens yearly. Every year the offers changes between a few options, sometimes it is buy a Mac and get a free iPod Touch or something towards their sales to which is a iTunes/App Store Gift card. Also Students always get about $100.00 off their Mac products.