Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

Apple's Advertisements

I've always said that if a company can be recognized only by its logo, it means that they have been very successful not only in sale but their marketing-advertising department has been as well. Apple is one of those companies that are recognized just by their logo. Apple advertisements are simple but just like their product they catch your eyes by how delicate and sophisticated they appear to be. 

Apple uses slogans within their advertisement a lot, and they seem to stay in your head or you might find your saying them when a commercials comes on. The " Think Different " Slogan was a big one between 1997-2002. This slogan was created in their New York Office and it was used in different commercials and in many printed advertisements until Apple came up with the next Slogan, " SWITCH " which was about making the switch from Windows platform to Mac. 

For the iPod and iTunes apple uses silhouettes on their TV commercials and on their printed ones of people listening to the product and dancing, you don't even have to see their logo to know that is an Apple advertisement. On their printed advertisement apple tends to get a big spot or several spots in one location so their advertisement is all you see.  

Apple has encountered criticism about their advertisements and sometimes selling a product advertising one thing and they don't perform what they offer. They had a incident in Australia with their iPads that ended up in lawsuit since they kept advertising the 4G and they were not compatible with any carrier in the country at the time. 
Apple spends millions in marketing but at the end of the day we can see why they spend so much money, their advertisement are " very elegant and precised " 

The Apple stores doesn't have a lot of " Sales " their prices are what they are from the beginning. There are a few offers that come within buying a product for example they have a " Back to School " Promotion that happens yearly. Every year the offers changes between a few options, sometimes it is buy a Mac and get a free iPod Touch or something towards their sales to which is a iTunes/App Store Gift card. Also Students always get about $100.00 off their Mac products. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

The Apple Store - Retailing 

Throughout the years Apple has opened many " Apple Stores " making their retail side bigger and bigger. As of summer 2013 there are 415 retail store in 13 countries, 253 of them are in the United States then the rest are in Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Gemany, Spain, China, Japan and a few other countries. If there is an Apple Store it means that their customers percentage is big in those countries. In 2011 they had a global sale total of $16 Billion dollars leading the retail market that year.

Many Apple Stores are found inside shopping mall but the ones in New York City as mainly stand alone stores. I've visited their stores a couple of times, specially the beautiful and very good located Fifth Avenue store around 59th Street. The very moment you walk by this store you want to go inside. Its architecture catches the eyes of locals and tourists. When you come in the store you feel as you are in a very high end retail store, though many of their stores are very nice and they all have almost the same designs, this one in particular is different, I think the fact that is on Fifth Avenue has to do with it. It has glass stairs and elevator, while you are entering the store you can see all of their products and have an image of the whole store.

As soon as you come in there are a few " Specialists " greeting and asking if they can help you with anything or directing you towards any product or services you want. Their employee are easy to identify for they wear a bright solid colored shirt with their logo in white so the annoying  " do you work here ? " question is out of the picture. Their store is very well organized by having tables with many of the same product in order for customers to be able to experience the product, there are no
"dummy " versions of their products, which leads to more purchases being that this shows that they are very confident of their product.

When you buy any of their products there is a table for set ups, one of their specialist is available to help you to start up your new gadget. Apple retail stores also offer one on one or groups introductions, giving you all the information you need to start using their unique products.

Purchased an Apple product online or at a store? your experience doesn't stop there. Apple has a great customer service area for technical support at their retail store: the Genius Bar. You can walk in and bring your questions, technical and physical problems with you Apple product and they will have a solution, even though sometimes it means paying more money. The Fifth Avenue store in particular is very busy and for a better customer service they offer Genius Bar appointments and when you walk in at the time of your appointment you just have to check in with a specialist or even on your own phone with their own App.

Even thought their products can be expensive it doesn't stop thousands of people from purchasing them daily.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

Decision Making -  Made Easier. 

Apple has different products that lets costumers have more option for their needs and their wants, from different styles to different sizes of the same product as well, which is accommodating to their customers desires.

The stimulus that affects consumers on purchasing Apple products is the sight. Apple has a way to make their product unique and their design standards are very high. They've been turning the every day products we use into something that I like to call it beautiful. Their finishing touches to all of their product, not only on the inside but on the outside, it has been key to their success. Apple focuses their attention to the whole product, from their operating systems to their amazing designs and you can definitely see that in every single one of their products.

When buying Apple products, personally I've had different consumer decision makings. It has all depended on which product I've bought. my first apple product was an iPod Nano. I did almost no research to get this product because almost everyone around me had it and they loved, also it wasn't worth hundreds of dollars. My second Apple product was a Mac Book Pro, needless to say I had an extensive decision making when purchasing this product, not only it is something I use a lot but the price was over the 1,000 mark and when buying something at this price I see it as investment and at the end it was a great one. The customer service that Apple offers has a big impact on my decision to buy their product, I might not need it as often but when I do, it is pretty great . I would say Apple justifies their prices and makes the decision making process a lot easier.

Demographics has a lot to do with the " consumer decision making " for the age , the place and culture of someone can affect what they buy. Generation Y and Tweens are very attracted to Apple, for them it is more of a trend now also. Apple has found a way to make it through businesses .

Apple has made their product unique which also helps the process of making the decision of buying any of their products. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision.

Apple's Global Vision 

Apple's global demand for their products have gone up over the years significantly. Apple's main market started here in the United States since it is an American company but they have been focusing on expanding their market to the world. They have been building up worldwide by opening " Apple Stores " . Apple has been very successful at making customers satisfied over the world because of their great customer service, and how they make their customer feel valuable. Apple's unique and advance technology has attracted the world market, therefore I believe their global marketing has succeeded. 

One of the ways apple has reached their worldwide target market is by having their products available in different languages, adjusting to ones need. In 2012 the apple website had 126 countries to choose from if you wanted an iPhone or any Apple product. The latest iPhone 5S and 5C are launching in another 36 countries by the end of this month. Apple has about 400 stores and approximately 130 of them are outside of the United States, Apple revenue is around 40% USA and 60% outside of the USA. The past year hasn't been the greatest for some part of world for apple but nevertheless has it been loss. 

. While Apple’s revenue in the Americas grew 43 percent, and Japan jumped 113 percent, Europe grew a relatively anemic 8 percent, to just over $8 billion. Asia Pacific — which includes China — must have had some very poor performers, since even with China’s 26 percent jump the region grew only 15 percent."

Even though I really like Apple and all of its product there is one thing I am against of, and that is outsourcing all of their manufacturing jobs. When you turn your Apple product and read their small imprint you will read " Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China " . This is a problem we have with many American companies and the reason Apple gives for outsourcing their jobs is thatThe infrastructure and labor force doesn't exist at the levels necessary to support Apple's operations " They say that even the largest city in the United States is not capable of handling their manufacturing need.